My name is Patricia (most people call me "Trish!) I am married to a wonderful husband, William. We both love the Lord and wish to serve Him. I have a great family, who are living for the Lord. My husband and I live in the mountains of North Carolina. I have always wanted to live in a log cabin, and maybe someday we will. I have been saved for about three years, and my desire is to serve the Lord through this web site. My mom, Shirley, has two sites Web Praise For Jesus and Web Praise My sister, Pamela, has had her site for a few months now. More Than Conquerors My mom and Pam prayed (and had others on the net praying with us) that I would have a computer to serve God with. Praise the Lord! God has blessed me with a new Gateway! I love it! At other times I hate it! :-) There is SO much to learn. But I know God will teach me, like He did my mom and sister.
My prayer is that God will use my site to
bless and encourage those who visit, and honor and glorify His name! God bless you!
Midi used with permission from
New Song Online