"Peace Be Still"
By: Peggy Jenkins

Free the mind, and the Spirit
Many are the heartaches, and tears, and sin
But merry is the heart that is stayed on Him.

Mad is the mind, if we are the devil's kind
But brave as a lion, and free as a butterfly
If we are the Lord's child.

This day holds lots of troubles, and trials,
And devil's devices
But tomorrow is visions of mansions,
And heavenly surprises.

Fear and doubt and worries come
Like waves of the sea,
But Jesus spoke the words,
"Peace Be Still"
For us to believe.

Our enemies have plans to bring
us down, to destroy
But our Savior gives hope of Heaven
Soon to enjoy.

Struggling,  failing, falling and quitting
Are the devil's mistakes
Praying, fasting, preaching and singing
Is the Christian's way to relate.
The computer, the microwave, and the
Television are the easy ways to
Get things done,
But the Bible, and salvation, repentance,
And the blood is how to get to
God's Son.

Hatred, jealously, fighting and bitterness
Is the devil's attacks.
But grace, love, joy and peace
Sets you free to the winning path.


Midi used with permission from
New Song Online