It was not the nails that held Jesus to that
        rugged cross; not, it was the love He had
for you and for me.
It was not the nails that held Him against
His will; no, He willingly gave up His life
for ours.
      It was not the nails that wounded His heart;
      no, it was the betrayal He suffered from the
It was not the nails that stopped His love,
mercy, and compassion for us; no, He
loved us even after that.
   The nails did not stop God's purpose and
plan; no, they helped fulfill the plan of
salvation for man.
      Nails, those awful nails, oh, God, did I play
a part?
Nails, no, they will never look the same,
I cannot forget the cruel pain they gave
the Life they helped take, the One that
that was not to blame.
One perfect life, nails, a lonely cross,
He became my Savior, at oh, what a cost!